4bbbd60035 Update 1.0 (A.K.A The Ender Update) was an update for Minecraft Pocket Edition confirmed by Tommaso Checchi on Twitter. It was released on December 19, 2016 for all platforms. Hey there guys I've been recently been playing a fair amount of Minecraft: Pocket Edition when I'm not able to be on the . MCPE Server. Thread . #19. Glador . 12/19/2017: Minecraft: Pocket Edition; 12/15/2017: Minecraft: . Minecraft Mod: 100% working on 21 devices, voted by 25, developed by Mojang. . Find the best Minecraft PE servers with our multiplayer server list. Our MCPE Server list contains all the best Minecraft Pocket Edition servers around.
Minecraft - Pocket Edition (0.1.2).19
Updated: Dec 14, 2020